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Comprehensive Guide to Healing Your Blackout Tattoo

Getting a blackout tattoo is an exciting journey, but ensuring it heals properly requires diligent care and attention. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the healing process, ensuring your tattoo looks as stunning as you envisioned.

Healing Time: Approximately 1 Month

Immediate Aftercare

1. Keep the Absorbent Pad On Until Evening:

Right after your tattoo session, your artist will apply an absorbent pad to the area. Keep this pad on until the evening to protect your fresh tattoo from external contaminants.

2. Evening Routine:

- Wash Your Hands:

Before touching your tattoo, thoroughly wash your hands to prevent infection.

- Remove the Absorbent Pad:

Carefully take off the pad.

- Clean the Tattoo:

Use a clean kitchen towel moistened with clean water to gently clean the tattooed area until the skin is no longer shiny. Ensure all residue and excess ink are removed.

- Reapply a New Absorbent Pad:

Securely place a new pad over the tattoo to absorb any oozing fluid overnight.

Daily Care

1. Morning Routine:

- Wash Your Hands

- Remove the Pad

- Clean the Tattoo: Repeat the cleaning process using a moistened kitchen towel.

2. Regular Cleaning:

For the next two weeks, clean your tattoo at least three times a day. Consistent cleaning helps prevent the formation of thick scabs, which can delay the healing process.


-Starting Day 4-5:

Once your skin begins to peel (thin, gray flakes), you can start applying a thin layer of tattoo-friendly cream once a day. Use just enough to keep the skin shiny, not a thick layer.


Thick scabs typically indicate improper cleaning. The lymph fluid, which your body produces to close the pores, must be cleaned off regularly to prevent it from drying into hard scabs.

Important Considerations

- Avoid Thick Scabs:

If thick scabs form, do not apply cream to that area. Instead, keep it clean and let it heal naturally. Do not pick at the scabs; they will fall off on their own.

- Water Exposure:

Keep your tattoo out of water. Avoid swimming pools, the sea, and even long showers. When showering, be careful not to let shampoo, shower gel, or other products contact the tattoo. Use antibacterial soap (like Protex) by lathering it in your hands and gently massaging the foam over the tattoo, followed by a thorough rinse with a wet kitchen towel. Only use soap in the morning and evening to avoid drying out the skin.

Dos and Don’ts

- Do Not Use Harsh Materials:

Avoid wiping the tattoo with toilet paper, towels, or any textured materials that could irritate the sensitive skin. Stick to kitchen towels and alcohol-free, fragrance-free wet wipes.

- Clothing:

Wear loose-fitting clothes that do not irritate or rub against the tattoo. Let your tattoo breathe as much as possible and keep it clean and away from pets or unclean environments.

By following these detailed steps, you can ensure your blackout tattoo heals properly and looks as beautiful as you intended.

For visual guidance, refer to the healing process photos available in the “BLKHEAL” highlight on my Instagram page.

Remember, patience and proper care are key to a perfect tattoo healing process.

Happy healing!

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